Take Note

Creating Change Together

Take Note champions the power of collaboration.

We forge and facilitate innovative and diverse partnerships across the social change sector. Through these, Take Note has pioneered a new approach to collaboration that effectively supports and maximises the impact of ambitious ideas for collective social change.

Action Research Lab


Tools & Resources

“Wow, what an incredible journey Take Note has enabled us to take. We’ve made new allies, pushed our creativity further than we thought possible and enabled our young people to grow their creative aspirations in a way that previously seemed beyond their reach.”

Bruk Up Stigma, Take Note partner project

Watch the free webinar

Why we exist

In these times of uncertainty, disconnection and financial instability, the social change sector needs to find ways to be more strategically connected and sustainable. There is an urgent need to approach the shared challenges we all face with an abundant, collective mindset and carve out collaborative solutions that deliver long-term change.

What we do

Take Note is a sector-support initiative that advocates for collaborative best practice. We empower the social change sector to deliver joined-up, long-lasting impact. And we connect community innovators and initiatives through sharing tools, ideas and learning.

Our Story

We conducted a three-year on-the-ground research study through our two action research programmes - ‘Connect’ and ‘Partner-Up’. Working together with over 30 community partners as part of our Collective Impact Lab, these research programmes were funded by Footwork Trust and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. The research and findings from our work with the Collective Impact Lab lives on through the pioneering range of tools and resources we have created for partnership working. These are available open access, for anyone in the social-change and grant-making sectors to use. Through a series of light-touch and more in-depth partnerships, we continue to deliver bespoke support to organisations looking to embed best collaborative practice and evolve the ways in which they connect and partner with others.

“Take Note’s model supports partners to align their aspirations and plan their work effectively, establishes good working relationships with new allies from different sectors and supports partners to develop their skills for effective partnership working.”

New Philanthropy Capital evaluation report on Take Note, 2022